Student teacher Mary Kok and her Developmental Language class of Iroquois Middle School.

Celebrating the History of Oral Deaf education in West Michigan

In 1899, a small group of passionate 大急流城 educators began a program to help teach students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

With $150 per child funding from the Michigan Legislature, a day school using the oral method of teaching was established by legislator and 大急流城 attorney, Sybrant Wesselius. 的 oral method teaches students who are deaf and hard of hearing to develop spoken language and listening through technology and observation. He wanted his deaf daughter to learn to communicate without having to send her away for her education.

He brought famed hearing-impaired teacher Margaret Sullivan from Milwaukee to organize the school. 不久之后, she opened the school with 16 students and a second teacher in a building on Division Avenue between Crescent and Lyon. 的 school would later become a service building for the 大急流城公立学校.

的 school was moved to Ottawa Hills High School in 1925 and was housed over time at Alger School, Sigsbee Elementary and Shawnee Park Elementary. Junior and senior high programs were also added at Burton Junior High, 联合高中, Iroquois Middle School and Ottawa Hills.

In 2019, the 大急流城 Oral Deaf program officially became part of uedbet官网ISD, which also teaches a 全通信程序 for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. 的 全通信程序 teaches American Sign Language and other verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

今天, uedbet官网ISD口语聋人项目 occupies part of North Oakview Elementary. 





  • In 1938, 大急流城 was one of the first school districts in the country to provide hearing aids in classrooms.
  • 的 大急流城 Oral Deaf Program was twice named the Alexander Graham Bell "Program of the Year" - 1979, 1997
  • 的 first 大急流城 Oral Deaf student to receive a cochlear implant was in 1988. 第二次是在1989年. Between 1990 and 1993, nine more students received implants.
  • Miss America, Heather Whitestone, visited Shawnee Park School in 1995. She became deaf from a fever when she was a child. She learned ballet by memorizing the feel of the beats of the music on the floor.
  • 的re are currently about 120 students in the uedbet官网ISD program, including 15 in the 在早期 Program. 的re are currently 15 staff members.
  • uedbet官网ISD口语聋人项目 focuses on teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students means of developing spoken language and listening through technology and observation. 的 全通信程序 focuses on teaching students American Sign Language and self-identity in deaf culture.
  • In 2000, all staff began training using the Auditory Verbal Training Approach. 从那时起, 50% of the staff have received Auditory Verbal Certification as LSL Specialists through the Alexander Graham Bell Academy.



In 1979, the 大急流城 Oral Deaf Commemorative Committee created a historical booklet to commemorate 80 of service to the community. Shawnee Park Teacher Consultant Betty Jane 生姜粉 wrote a detailed history of the program for the publication.

的 大急流城 Oral Deaf Program - Our Eightieth Year

In 1999, the 100th Anniversary Committee of the 大急流城 Oral Deaf program commissioned another historical booklet, this time created by Sarah Bushnell and Jackie Van Kampen at the Kent 职业生涯 Technical Center. 的 100th Anniversary celebrated "的 Age of Technology".

的 大急流城 Oral Deaf Program One-Hundredth Anniversary: 的 Age of Technology